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Transfer Your Domain
Looking for a new domain name? Click here
No Time Lost
is a premier hosting service designed to maximize efficiency and minimize downtime for your website or application.
Stay Online
Our hosting services are tailored to keep your website or application up and running around the clock..
Daily Backup
With Daily Backup your valuable digital assets are in safe hands. We understand the importance of safeguarding your data.
Simple steps to transfer your domain
Add Domain Transfer Request
To transfer your domain, you need an authorization code This code protects your domain from being transferred by an unauthorized party.
Authorize the Transfer
Once you've entered the authorization code, provided by your old registrar, both service providers will get in touch with you. With everything verified, you can officially approve the transfer
Accept Transfer
To accept it, first log in to the account you have with the domain name registrar. Next, go to the part of the user interface that displays your messages. Accept the request.
9 reasons to use our domain transfer service
Manage your domain name, renew your domain name, buy more services or domain names using our intuitive control panel.
Automatically forward people to whatever website you want, when they type your domain name into a browser (with / without domain masking & SEO)
24/7 Customer Support
Our skilled and expert team support is available always for you to solve your technical issues or any kind of problem you face in services we are active 24/7
Protect your personal information being displayed at WHOIS to safeguard you from spammers, data harvesters etc.
Lock your domain name, so that your domain is not transferred out accidentally or without your permission.
30-day Money Back Guarantee
In that case, we can't completely fulfill our requirements or satisfy you, you will cancel the plan. We give this 30 days for your satisfaction.
Manage your DNS records, website location, email, sub-domains, aliases, FTP and more.
Register, Renew, Transfer and make other changes to multiple Domain Names in a single step
Instant Activation
Just pickup you doamin name, upload you data